Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Privacy Policy for RSS Viewer

Privacy Policy For RSS Viewer

1. Data Collect / Purpose : This app do not collect information about your personal data or information about your device's parameters. RSS data from RSS sites are collected through internet and the action is activated by user only.

2. Data Storage : Two types of data are stored for this app :
  1. The RSS data received from the interent : they are stored in this app's private storage area only. They are not encrypted. There is no expire period for the saved information until you rewrite over it through update.
  2. The RSS site name and link address : they are also stored in this app's private storage area only. They are not encrypted. There is no expire period for the saved information until you rewrite over it through edit.

3. Data Transfer : This app requires your permission to connect the internet and there are two situations when there exists data transfer : First, when you click update button, the app is directed to the RSS sites in which RSS data are downloaded to your device. Second, when you click a web link while viewing the RSS content, the app activate a web page to receive the content of the web link. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure the followings :
  1. Make sure the RSS site is a site that you trust.
  2. Make sure the web link in the RSS content is also a link that you trust.
  3. For both the site and the site link address, it is prefered to has heading of 'https' instead of 'http'.

4. Third parties : This app do not involve any third parties. We do not share any information on data that this app used with other companies.